Have you ever noticed that the rhetoric of conservatives is invariably abusive toward those they disagree with but if you give it back to them they whine like girls with bad cramps?
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh! You hurt me! You critisized me and attacked my sacred beliefs! Wah! Wah! Wah!" Then they unleash another load of viscious, twisted, unreasoning blatherings that make no sense to anyone but themselves.
But there is hope. They are invariably so lead-witted when it comes to satirizing them that it will be right in front of their noses-- right in their face-- and they won't see it. So, those of you with a liberal bent who are considering leaving the country,please, before you go try cleverly but gently mocking a conservative right to their face and observe their confusion or outright total misunderstanding of what you are really getting at. You will gradually come to understand that you can make the utmost mockery of them to their face and you'll watch with utter astonishment as they unsuccessfully try to cope with your superior wit.
I must here leave an important exception to this rule. IF YOU ARE A POLITICALLY CORRECT MALE OR FEMALE DO NOT ATTEMPT THE ABOVE!!!!! You are operating on the same wavelength as the conservative and your hamhanded efforts will result in only more acrimony. Best to leave it to those of us whose adoring friends and relatives prefer our company to even the best of Seinfeld re-runs. We've got the chops to get the job done cleanly and with no broken conservative hearts.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
abusive conservatives
Posted by
4:56 PM
Saturday, November 27, 2004
God's true name
The Old Testament God appeared to me in a vision and told me that His one true name was, SANTOR! He wants to be referred to only as, SANTOR, and nothing else. He gets homicidally angry if you use any name but ,SANTOR! So do us all a favor and call him that. It makes Him happy and He told me all this personally so don't be doubtful about His Word. If you think I'm fooling, just ask the Pharoah. He'll back me up. Don't mess with Him or His messenger.
Posted by
11:02 AM
giving thanks
I sure hope to Jesus it's a good day today and that George Bush and all the neo-cons are happy and blessed by Jesus{who is the only true God}. Remember: Don't say bad things about God and Jesus or you can forget all about that forgiveness stuff. I swear to God this is all true. I spoke to God Himself and he told me these things. I hope he tells George the same thing! He can be a little unpredictable about that!
Posted by
9:08 AM
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
gay Republicans
I heard on the new Liberal AM radio that the new head of the GOP is a closeted gay. And while we're on that subject, don't the gay Republicans realize that calling themselves "log cabin" Republicans only reaffirms their own party's stereotypes?
Posted by
7:39 PM
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
voter fraud
Check it out. The smoking gun is here. Watch W get Watergated.
Posted by
6:57 PM
Buzzflash News